

The fee for our services can be determined by multiple ways, always depending on the nature and demands of the requested service and the client’s preferences. We take care to ensure thatthe final fee corresponds to the value and difficulty of the case. The fee can be determined:
  • based on the relevant legal regulation (in the case of non-contractual/tariff fee), i.e. Decree No. 177/1996 Coll., on fees of attorneys-at-law and reimbursement of expenses incurred by attorneys-at-law in provision of legal services (attorney’s tariff)

  • based on an agreement with the client (contractual fee), i.e.:

    • per hour fee
    • fixed fee for dealing with a particular matter

    • flat (monthly/quarterly) fee for long term co-operation, which remains constant regardless of the scope and time demands of the required work

    • share of the value of the case or a share on the outcome of the case under dispute/negotiations

The fee for legal services determined based on one of the above methods is also increased by the applicable VAT rate. The contractual fee is further increased by the out-of-pocket expenses (e.g. duty stamps, court and administrative fees etc.) and expenses associated with the provision of legal services (e.g. phone fees, copies, e-mail traffic and office administrative activities). Expenses associated with the provision of legal services correspond to a flat amount of 5% of the fee charged per calendar month.

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Na Příkopě 988/31, Praha 1
Entrance building B
Behind the Broadway Theatre box office from the left
+420 224 810 090
Company details:
Na Pankráci 322/26
140 00 Prague 4
ID No.: 24195855
Entered under File No. C 187629 held by the Municipal Court in Prague
+420 224 810 090
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